首页 » 教师清单 » 希瑟·尚克斯-麦克尔罗伊博士


教育学教授, 欧洲经委会项目主任, Child and Family Studies and Graduate Program – ECE Leadership

教育  |   专业研究学院



Dr. Heather Shanks-McElroy is a Professor and Coordinator of 本科 and Graduate Programs in 教育. Dr. Shanks-Mc Elroy was formerly employed as a long-term care social worker and a K-6 teacher. Her clinical and research practice has focused on the health and social support needs of cognitively impaired persons and their caregivers, and the academic and social support needs of young children. She chairs the Institutional Review Board at 重点大学.

教育-学位 & 认证

  • Ph.D. in Human Development – Social Work Specialization 1999 – Marywood University, Scranton, PA
  • M.S.W. 1992年-宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿市玛丽伍德学院
  • 教育学学士(B.Ed.1986年-加拿大安大略省金斯敦皇后大学
  • Bachelor of Arts (荣誉) 1984 – Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario Canada

The learning experience at 重点大学 is genuinely a partnership between students and faculty. 小班授课, and faculty who remain active in the clinical and practical worlds, students are able to engage in learning in a variety of settings while using a variety of learning approaches.


My research areas focus on two extremes in human development – young children and the elderly. I am interested in both groups because they are too often forgotten in the program development, 实现, 以及评估过程. I think it is critical to include them in facilitating programs and services designed to maximize their well-being and as such, 他们是我研究中的积极伙伴. 他们有很多东西可以教给我们.

  • 发展评估I和II
  • 帮助关系
  • 人类服务系统
  • 人类服务领域
  • 第一年研讨会
  • 发展心理学
  • 儿童心理学I和II
  • 青春期和成年期
  • 社会与行为科学研究方法
  • 组织行为
  • 监督与领导
  • 儿童、家庭和社区
  • Seminar: Contemporary Ethics, Issues and 研究 in 教育
  • 兰甘过世,F., & Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2012). 校园-community partnerships yield benefits for children and families: An overview of two successful programs. Pennsylvania Early Intervention (A Publication of The Pennsylvania Interagency Coordinating Council), 24(1).
  • 兰甘过世,F., & Shanks-McElroy H. 1月(2012). The Freshman Cohort: Facilitating Attachment and Persistence in First Year Students: Results of a Five Year Study. Paper presented at the 重点大学 教师 Symposium, 重点大学, 拉羽, PA.
  • 兰甘过世,F., & Shanks-McElroy H. 1月(2012). The Freshman Cohort: Facilitating Attachment and Persistence in First Year Students: Results of a Five Year Study. Paper presented at the 重点大学 教师 Symposium, 重点大学, 拉羽, PA.
  • 兰甘过世,F., & Shanks-McElroy H. (2009年6月).  Evaluating Student Perceptions 关于 the 教育al Cohort Program. Paper presented at the Institutes of Higher 教育 Conference on Diversity, Grantville, PA.
  • 梅尔尼克J.A. & Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2017) 首页 and Community-Based Alternatives to Nursing 首页 Care, 国际健康科学杂志,已出版.
  • 梅尔尼克J.A. & Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2016) 首页 and Community-Based Alternatives to Nursing 首页 Care, 美国老龄社会会议, 华盛顿特区.
  • 梅尔尼克J.A. & Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2015) 首页 and Community-Based Alternatives to Nursing 首页 Care, 老龄化与社会第五届跨学科会议, 华盛顿特区.
  • 梅尔尼克J.A. & Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2015). 以家庭和社区为基础的养老院护理替代方案, 全国成人日间服务协会年会, 凤凰城, AZ.
  • 梅尔尼克J.A. & Shanks-McElroy H, (2014) 以家庭和社区为基础的养老院护理替代方案, 39th Annual National Institute for Rural Social Work Conference, 银城, NM.
  • 梅尔尼克J.A, & Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2013). 以家庭和社区为基础的养老院护理替代方案. 农村PA中心
  • 梅尔尼克J. A.,尚克斯-麦克尔罗伊,H.A., & Chechotka-McQuade D. (2005). 宾夕法尼亚州农村的成人日间服务.在A. 安德森,《立博客户端app下载》(页). 28-29). 多伦多:安大略省阿尔茨海默病协会.
  • 梅尔尼克J. A.,尚克斯-麦克尔罗伊,H.A., Chechotka-McQuade D, Loyek, A, Cookson, M. (2005). 宾夕法尼亚州农村的成人日托所. 30th Annual National Institute for Social Work and Human Services in Rural Areas 西维吉尼亚州 University, 西维吉尼亚州.
  • 梅尔尼克J.A.,尚克斯-麦克尔罗伊,H.A., & Chechotka-McQuade D.  2月(2005).  宾夕法尼亚州的农村成人日间服务. 在老年学年会上发表的论文, 社会工作教育工作者委员会, 纽约, NY.
  • 小腿,H.A. (1992). Factors related to well-being of caregiver of the cognitively impaired elderly. Unpublished master’s thesis, Marywood College, Scranton, PA.
  • Shanks-McElroy H.A. (1992).  Altered behavior flow sheet for dementia patients: A biopsychosocial program for behavioral observation and environmental adaptation.  斯克兰顿,宾夕法尼亚州:作家. Copyright licensure granted – United States Copyright Office, 图书馆 of Congress, Washington, D.C.
  • Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2011年10月). Improving Academic Performance in At-Risk Students: Participation in the School Age Adventure and Explorers Program. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania 教育al 研究 Association Annual Tri-State Conference, 费城, PA.
  • Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2001年10月).  与慢性病患者合作时的道德问题. Paper presented at the Annual Conference on Chronic Illness, Northeastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America, LaPlume, PA.
  • Shanks-McElroy H.A. (2000年4月).  倡导慢性病患者的权利. Paper presented at the Conference of the Lupus Foundation of   America Northeastern Pennsylvania Chapter, 拉羽, PA
  • Shanks-McElroy H.A. (1999). The relationship between biopsychosocial factors and health status of caregivers of a spouse or life partner with Alzheimer’s disease. (Doctoral dissertation, Marywood University, Scranton, PA, 1999.
  • Shanks-McElroy H, & 梅尔尼克J.A. (2017) Women In transition final report (analysis of data) EOTC Scranton PA
  • Shanks-McElroy H.A. & 李,年代. (2000). Barriers to elder care service utilization: Consumer, caregiver, and provider perspectives. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, 40, 525.
  • Shanks-McElroy H.A. & Strobino J. (2006). Male caregivers of spouses with AD: Risk factors and health status. 在L. 因特网(Ed.),德门兹在《立博平台》(p. 431-439). Mabuse-Verlag:美因河畔法兰克福.
  • Shanks-McElroy H.A. & Strobino J.  (2001). Male caregivers of spouses with Alzheimer’s disease:  Risk factors and health status.  阿尔茨海默病护理杂志,5 - 6月.
  • 张伯伦大学杰出教师服务主席- 2014年
  • 重点大学 教师 研究 Mentor of the Month – 2/2012
  • 2011年Keystone学院教师研究奖
  • Who’s Who Among America’s Teacher –  2003/2004 and 2004/2005
  • 麦高恩杰出博士奖- 1999年
  • Hurley博士奖学金(1996-1998)
  • Peer Reviewer – Council on 本科研究, 2003- present
  • Chair – 重点大学 Institutional Review Board,  2005 – 2018
  • Peer Reviewer – Alzheimer’s Association National 研究 Grant Program, 2000 – present
  • Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA), National Caregiver Discussion Panel, 2013 – present
  • 编辑审查委员会,编辑审查委员会,阿尔茨海默病 & Dementia: The Journal of The Alzheimer’s Association, 2012 – present